Voters are going to the polls in the Netherlands in the first of three crucial eurozone elections this year.
The voter turnout might set a new record.
What do you hope will be the result?
voters are going to the polls in the netherlands in the first of three crucial eurozone elections this year.
the voter turnout might set a new record.. what do you hope will be the result?.
Voters are going to the polls in the Netherlands in the first of three crucial eurozone elections this year.
The voter turnout might set a new record.
What do you hope will be the result?
in a new video on, the website is being praised..
everything is available ''rapidly, economically, and simultaneously.
this form of electronic publishing is also more cost-effective.''.
In a new video on JW.ORG, the website is being praised.
Everything is available ''rapidly, economically, and simultaneously. This form of electronic publishing is also more cost-effective.''
The video is about how Jehovah's organisation benefit from having this website on the internet.
As if internet is helping the JW's... haha, so not true.
On 4:10, a man says:
''Using the website has allowed our family to draw closer together, to Jehovah, to Jesus and to the whole organisation.''
First thing coming to my mind is how these three are used quite similar as how people speak about the Trinity in ''False Religion.''
Enjoy the video.
Lovely spiritual food again.
so today's study article uses 1cor 3:17 as it's theme text.. i looked it over and if you read from 14 an interesting thing happens.... 14 but their minds were dulled.+ for to this present day, the same veil remains unlifted when the old covenant is read,+ because it is taken away only by means of christ.+ 15 in fact, to this day whenever moses is read,+ a veil lies upon their hearts.+ 16 but when one turns to jehovah,* the veil is taken away.+ 17 now jehovah* is the spirit,+ and where the spirit of jehovah* is, there is freedom.+ .
so my question is, is it by "means of christ" or by "turning to jehovah" that the veil is taken away?.
in any other translation i've looked at, the use of the word lord is employed leading one to assume that it's turning to the christ that takes the veil away..
I think, the answer can be found in the next chapter. 2 Corinthians 4:1-6
Therefore, since we have this ministry through the mercy that was shown us, we do not give up. 2 But we have renounced the shameful, underhanded things, not walking with cunning or adulterating the word of God;+ but by making the truth manifest, we recommend ourselves to every human conscience in the sight of God.+ 3 If, in fact, the good news we declare is veiled, it is veiled among those who are perishing, 4 among whom the god of this system of things*+ has blinded the minds of the unbelievers,+ so that the illumination* of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God,+might not shine through.+ 5 For we are preaching, not about ourselves, but about Jesus Christ as Lord and ourselves as your slaves for Jesus’ sake. 6 For God is the one who said: “Let the light shine out of darkness,”+ and he has shone on our hearts to illuminate them+ with the glorious knowledge of God by the face of Christ.
The NWT has changed Lord into Jehovah several times in chapter 3, because for their interpretation, they cannot allow the suggestion that Paul is talking about Jesus there instead of Jehovah. But if you read chapter 4, Paul clearly says it is Jesus that he means with Lord. To me it seems weird to interpret these chapters as if Paul is talking about the Lord in chapter 3 thinking about Jehovah, and then in chapter 4 the same message, but thinking about Jesus.
Shows the inconsistenties of the NWT IMHO
i've heard many experiences about how jehovah answers the prayers of jw's - convention items about pioneers gas bills, car repairs, job opportunities.
now, if this is true, you are actually stating that god has directly intervened in your life.
taken action on your behalf.
When I was still conducting studies with a Congolese family, the father of the family once told me that when they were still in Congo, they saw that the JW's there were taking good care of each other. But literally only to each other, not other people. He asked me why JW's only helped themselves and not the ones outside the faith. I used Galatians 6:10 ''Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.'' (After having left the JW's I see that this verse is in no way a justification for only helping fellow believers, but I remembered this being told in my own study with an elder, that's why I told the same to this Congolese family).
This Congolese father saw people in Congo that were non-JW's who were lacking basic needs, such as food and clean water, and saw them basically starving, he saw that they just did not get help or food or anything, whereas the JW's were only there to help people within the organisation. Some time after I had this conversation, an elder couple (pioneers for many decades) asked me how the study went with the Congolese family. I told them that they were uncomfortable in the fact that they saw in Africa that non-JW's were not receiving any help at all and that JW's only cared for themselves.
This couple said to me LITERALLY: God only helps the JW's because we are the only ones praying to the true and right God. The non-JW's pray to a false and imaginary God, and that's the reason God does not listen to their prayers, and that is why they lack food every single day whereas the JW's get listened to and receive their food.
Completely sickening and evil thought IMHO, but that, apparently, is the thinking of JW's.
(Unrelated to the topic about the prayer: no surprise that there is this big growth there in Congo when you hear these kind of stories. Why would you want to belong to the organisation? For literal food or spiritual food? My guess is that most of them there are in the organisation because they need the literal food)
this is a complex question, and i just want to get a discussion started on the message of jehovah's witnesses and how it relates to their adventist roots, and esp calvinism.. bear with me, i will try to be concise.. we all know that while jehovah's witnesses like to deny adventist roots, that it is clear that according to them, the man jesus selected to get the whole thing started, c t russell, was heavily influenced by adventist ideas, esp the (adventist) idea that has really never left them; the idea that somehow, a time date or period can be inferred from the bible if you read certain scriptures through an adventist lens.
(thus, the 2520 years, 7 gentile times, etc.).
so while this is relatively well known, there is a concept that jehovah's witnesses teach against, yet practice.
Best thread I have read so far
this you will never see on the mainstream media.
before you comment watch the whole video.
Good point, but this news coverage is also very biased of course. But that in itself does not mean they have no point.
Too much tolerance will inevitably lead to the disappearance of tolerance. No honest person can deny that.
You can compare it with the situation of democracy around the world. Democracy can only survive if there are certain superpowers, like the USA, that are willing to use their military power to enforce and protect the rights that people have around the world. Without these forces, democracy would be endangered.
Just as our democracy, we need to protect the existence of tolerance and control it.
If tolerance will get too much, it will eventually lead to a situation in which tolerance no longer exists.
So, the amazing tolerance of countries like Sweden in accepting everybody in their country without limits of how many they let in, will in the end destroy the values that make us want to import these migrants in the first place.
i recieved an awesome document in my youtube messages yesterday.
the person giving it told me it was the best description of the experience he had went through which involved entering and exiting the watchtower over the course of only a few years.. .
written by jamie boyden [<--not sabastious] sunday, 08 february 2009 14:19. .
Very nice opening post
february 13, 2017 to all bodies of elders re: memorial and special talk.
"As you meet with inactive ones, please convey the love and concern of the Governing Body"
Wow! another great loving provision! Clearly Jehovah's direction.
What is their arrangement for people that are not disfellowshipped but that are unofficially shunned?
controversy has arisen regarding jesus versus paul as scholars debate the different emphases and messages of jesus and paul.1 jesus preached the kingdom of heaven.
paul did not.
paul preached justification by faith alone.
Controversy has arisen regarding Jesus versus Paul as scholars debate the different emphases and messages of Jesus and Paul.1 Jesus preached the kingdom of heaven. Paul did not. Paul preached justification by faith alone. Jesus did not. What are we to make of this? Can the two be reconciled? The answer depends on what is meant by reconciliation.
"Let us be clear from the outset. The messages of Jesus and Paul were fundamentally different. Reconciliation of their messages cannot be done by harmonization. This is a fact we must accept. No one is helped by attempts to lessen the differences by declaring that the gospel is a salvation story for both Jesus and Paul. The differences remain. No benefit comes from theological gibberish that the gospel is the kingdom and the kingdom is the gospel. No light comes from attempts to show that Paul “betrayed” Jesus or “perverted” His message.
No benefit comes from those who maintain Jesus and Paul contradicted or disagreed with one another. Such offerings of strange fire move us further from the text and sound theology. Instead, we must seek a biblical understanding of the Scriptures for reconciliation."
I read this, and have not yet done much research about this topic, but I think this is interesting.
the question to all is:
Does Paul preach a fundamentally different religion than Jesus?
I never really thought about that
ever since i came out of the witnesses, i've become very political.. i've heard lots of arguments back and forth for many things.. in the u.s. there is the argument that it is "racist" to want to deny entry to muslims.
while there is freedom of religion, there is also the very valid concern of maintaining democracy and a justice system that is based on modern values.we as exjw's constantly quote the pew center for statistics on jw's such as: they are last place in the us for members of a religion that go to university, and second-last for poverty levels of members of a religion.
we accept those statistics and mention them as proof of how damaging the jw's, let's use the same center for some very scary statistics on islam: